Observation of my teaching practice by a peer (Part One: Observee’s notes)

Part One (provided to the observer, Ian Holmes)

What is the context of this session/artefact within the curriculum?

This session is part of a series of industry classes for MA Fashion Photography (Year 1). It is one of the technical workshops within the ‘New Iterations in Fashion Photography’ unit. This unit is designed to foster a deep and integrated engagement with both theory and practice, leading towards a more self-directed and individualised research and development phase in the course.

How long have you been working with this group and in what capacity?

Since the beginning of the academic year. I am one of their specialist technicians, delivering inductions and technical workshops, contributing to their unit briefs, and providing support through 1-to-1 tutorials.

What are the intended or expected learning outcomes?

Key learning outcomes for this workshop include developing students’ ability to work collaboratively in groups to produce work that meets industry standards. They will also gain essential collaboration and studio photography skills.

What are the anticipated outputs (anything students will make/do)?

In this workshop, students will work together to produce a series of images or a single image based on the given brief. They will be provided with the necessary products, accessories, and props to create a fashion editorial piece.

Are there potential difficulties or specific areas of concern?

  • Late attendance can sometimes be disruptive.
  • The workshop runs alongside 1-to-1 tutorials with their tutor, which can make it challenging for students to fully commit to the session. As a result, it can be difficult for them to stay motivated, attentive, and work efficiently within their group or team.
  • Space is also an issue, particularly during deadlines and especially since moving to EB.

How will students be informed of the observation/review?

I will send students a reminder email a few days in advance to inform them of the observation. I will also introduce the observer in class.

What would you particularly like feedback on?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Feedback on the challenges mentioned above would also be helpful.

How will feedback be exchanged?

Through this form and, if possible, through an in-person conversation.

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