Part Two: Observer’s notes, Ian Holmes
Architecture and Delivery
I was able to observe the initial briefing and teaching input element (10-11:30 AM) as well as the final student collaboratively produced work at the end of the whole day workshop (16:30-17:00).
The initial part of the session took place in a teaching space separated from the ‘open heart’ space by pillars – there were a variety of example objects on the table where the students were sitting that could then be used in the later photography workshop. The proximity to the objects set a strong haptic element to the class – they were within reach of the learners and would later be handled in the workshop in the design of the photographs.
As you had anticipated – some students arrived late – however there were 5 by 10:10 with one more arriving at 10:16 – and you managed this first 15 minutes of the class time well as an effective check in for the students. You have a relaxed manner with the group and there is a good rapport between you and the learners – “How’s the unit going?” – and the beginning of the lesson served well as an opportunity for students to talk through some ideas.
You made clear the Learning Outcomes for the session – ‘to create a fashion editorial piece’ – “to industry standard” (product) and to “work collaboratively” – and develop “studio photography skills” (process).
Students sat at table with objects facing the screen – where the slide deck was presented – you sat behind them to operate the slides remotely. There was a moment where some students (those who were directly between yourself and the screen) were not sure where they should be looking, however, you later moved round so that you and the screen were in the same frame for the students. At this point you began to elicit from students – “where do we see products?” You then provided the analysis of the purpose of such representations of products in advertising – “to attract the viewer – to sell the product” – however, maybe this could have been a further opportunity to elicit from them by asking – ‘what is the purpose of these images/representations?’
You then presented an example of how a professional has created a narrative with photography of a product – you suggested that the photographs had “a mediterranean feel – if that makes sense?” – Maybe you could have asked the students if they could identify any elements that suggest this. There was an interesting point about body parts being considered as still life. Another example where you talked helped explain the playful elements – the bold colours – the objects – the teeth – the tie as a tongue, etc. Was clear, however I thought that this could have been another opportunity to elicit some language from the learners what they could see in the images that created the playful effect/ feeling. In addition, it may have been useful to focus on the word tongue (especially for L2 speakers of English) – this is an example of difficult spelling and pronunciation relationship (obviously I’m looking at this from a Language Teaching perspective, but I think sometimes highlighting features like this can give L2 learners more confidence in actually using the words to refer to objects (essential to effective collaborative communication) – rather than just avoiding them.
The section on composition techniques was effective in helping the learners to understand how this work in practice – through the examples you showed and your explanations. This was especially well anticipated as one of the students remarked that she was not sure about ‘the rule of thirds’ and your demonstration using examples provided an excellent understanding for this learner – and the group. The student asking for examples and your response is very useful for those students who remain silent – and probably have the same questions. The insights gained for the students about the Fibunaci pattern and the composition of text and images on the cover of magazines – Dior vs Hello was very interesting and useful – as was the point about how we read left to right affects the choices of these compositions – although I thought it may have been a good opportunity to point out the cultural specificity of this idea – in Arabic culture the direction of reading is right to left.
Whilst I felt that the analysis of each example technique was clear – the initial thumbnails for each were a little bit small to read the text and see the detail in the sketch/images, maybe this could have been blown up a bit.
I feel that you gave some very good advice about how to approach the tasks – talking about your own practice: “In my personal work – I find it very useful” – and in reference to the techniques – “It’s a guide – not a rule.”
Setting music for when the collaborative task began was effective in setting the creative workshop focus mode for the group.
Overall, I feel that the session was well managed – even with some noise disturbance and the tutorials that were going on in the corridor at the same time. You were able to provide real insights into how professional photography works and set up the collaborative task for the day. Using the example of a previous students work – with which they gained professional work – was great at showing the real-world application of the skills that the learners were developing in practice.
At the end of the presentation section, you brought the objects into focus and this was effective in making the ideas that you had presented on the screen real (and haptic), you clearly set the agenda for the rest of the day’s workshop and provided advice about how to assign roles – decide on the product and think about the brand identity and narrative you want to tell – and effectively work collaboratively towards producing the finished work.
Achieved Goals
In the final presentation of the project at the end of the day it was evident that to had met the Key learning outcomes for this workshop through the development of students’ ability to work collaboratively in groups learners were able to produce work that meets industry standards. In this process they were also able to gain essential collaboration and studio photography skills.
You were then able to provide your expert analysis of the work produced as well as provide an opportunity for learners to reflect on the process – “what was the story/narrative?” – “what was the concept” behind what students were trying to achieve – “what would you have done differently?”
It was interesting to see how the examples that you used at the beginning ultimately informed the work the learners produced at the end of the day.
I felt that this was a very cohesive and valuable practical R&D lesson for your learners – having a whole day workshop for them to collaboratively work together and apply some the techniques that you had taught them. Some of the students were talking about how useful they had found the workshop and how much they had learned through participating in it.
In response to the key issues you asked me to look at:
Late attendance can sometimes be disruptive.
– You were able to manage this and integrate late arrivals
The workshop runs alongside 1-to-1 tutorials with their tutor, which can make it challenging for students to fully commit to the session. As a result, it can be difficult for them to stay motivated, attentive, and work efficiently within their group or team.
– Again – you managed this as best you could – the students, the other teachers and you working together to achieve multiple tasks at the same time – in a professional manner
Space is also an issue, particularly during deadlines and especially since moving to EB.
– Despite some noise – you were able to manage this without having to raise your voice too much
Some points to consider re eliciting from students – maybe think about more opportunities to get them to suggest the answers to potential questions before giving them all the information – even if they don’t know the answer they will be engaged and thinking about the content information. I feel that you have the instinct as teacher/technician instructor to do this – as you demonstrated, but this is something that I have learned to do more myself – even if half the time I get no response – at least I feel that I am drawing their cognition rather than them waiting for me to provide completely new information/ thinking for them.